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A Mother's Trail

by Daniela Castro

A mother leaves,

A child chases her trail


Desperation is the nanny

her remittances failed to pay


As for the child,

to leave their country

is to enter into space:

A registration with no guarantee


They trek into the open graveyards

Of bodies that shed backpacks, photographs, shoes,


where flowers seldom grow,

and terror seldom dies


Where trains are known as beasts

and a river fills with fury,


And La migra responds,

“Beware the illegals”

As they capture and cage


Their suits mark one of the few instances where


means hide

And the ground becomes a comforter---- clenched,

for pressure is always the greatest patrol


Some make the cross,

And others are marked away from existence

And yet a package is handled better

than a human-

both given a tracking number


Seeking the love of America,

A child chases her trail.




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