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by Rahima Haraza

Editor's Note: Rahima Haraza is a poet from Indonesia whose family escaped the genocide against the Haraza people in Afghanistan.


I write poems to give form to my thoughts and feelings. I am very sensitive so whenever I feel strong feelings of happiness, gratitude, sadness or stress because of the situation, then I write poems about those feelings. It is difficult to put this depth of feelings into words but hopefully in reading my poems, someone, somewhere, may relate to them. I write so I can share my thoughts with others without speaking to them directly about what is going on. In Indonesia, where it’s a long ride of uncountable ups and downs, mostly downs, writing poetry is a way where I can express how people stuck here feel. Writing poems give me strength and I hope that this is something I can do for myself now and for my future self.



Her Chaos​




Her Desires


Her Passion​




Thought Hunter




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