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World In Protest: Do Black Lives Really Matter?

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By Tarinna Olley 

Published Online: March 7, 2021

How in the world could one country continue to get into such a mess?

I’m sorry for my word choice I just need to get this off my chest 

We have been in a global pandemic 

But why oh why does this country continue to mimic 

Racial injustices and racial health disparities that continue to affect and impact Black people that look like me 

Now we have to deal with many Black people not having equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine 

However Black people have some of the highest cases of COVID-19 

Limited access to affordable health insurance or lack of financial prowess 

Continue to marginalize vulnerable communities at best 

This is something collectively the world must protest 

And speak up about 

As many Black people continue to live in doubt 

They doubt they will receive basic human dignities and rights 

We know what happened in the Tuskegee Experiment

That certainly wasn’t ethical or right 

Those are serious reasons to develop phobias and fears 

Because the healthcare system is plagued with blood that bleeds from intentionally ignoring Black folks’ heartfelt tears 

Tears from hospital closings 

Tears from savage inequalities 

Tears from community health clinics not being fully funded 

Please forgive me if I sound a bit redundant 

But we hear all men and women are created equal 

But it can’t be when Black people keep appearing in horror movie sequels 

Movies that keep playing and showing 

That Black Lives don’t really matter 

It sounds like rhetoric and mindless chatter 

When Black women are at the highest infant mortality rates

So tell me what should Black people anticipate

I believe there is a solution 

But every race must take part 

It requires us to love all humanity 

That’s a good place to start 

All blood is red 

Every human should have equal rights 

But until the world protests 

And stops being so complicit 

And calls out and votes out the ones who won’t admit it 

That they are comfortable with their privileges and inequitable views 

Let’s keep speaking up and protesting 

And mandating policy change 

And not just appear at rallies where we continue to call out deceased Black women, men, and children’s names 

The world must join this protest 

As this is an ongoing pandemic 

that will surely outlive even Covid-19


. . .


Black lives matter when
A big business issues a
Fake public “sorry”


. . .


The world must protest
And unify and say oh!
Black Lives Do Matter






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